DPF Cleaning Service

Central Autopoint to the rescue! We offer expert cleaning, car and maintenance for your Diesel Particulate Filter.

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DPF Cleaning Service in Corby

The DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) in your car is responsible for removing dirt and soot from diesel engines specifically that can have a detrimental effect on the engine and the overall performance of the car. However, over time the filter itself can get blocked up with all the soot that it’s trying to clear. Your car will let you know when it needs cleaning as you’ll get a warning light on your dashboard. It will look most likely appear as an engine with hollow circles inside.

A DPF cleaning raking place

How Does a DPF Get Cleaned?

Your vehicle’s DPF is cleaned using specialist equipment and an advanced process that our highly trained engineers have the experience and training to carry out. It achieves similar results to the normal regeneration process that cleans the DPF under normal driving conditions. When soot in the DPF reaches a certain level, the ECU will not allow the DPF to regenerate due to the risk of fire. The cleaning method we practice cleans even the most blocked up DPFs returning the vehicle to its normal working condition.

How Can You Maintain Your DPF?

It is possible for you to protect your diesel particulate filter just by simply driving your car. This is known as passive regeneration. This is able to happen when you’re driving your car at a high speed, for example on a motorway for a long period of time. The temperature of the exhaust increases and therefore, is able to burn off the excess soot that could potentially block the filter.

Aware that not all motorists have the opportunity to do this sort of driving regularly, car manufacturers were able to devise a different way of regenerating the DPF. This is called active regeneration. You’ll notice whether it’s taking place due to a few things: increased idle speed, a slight increase in fuel consumption, a hot, pungent smell coming from the exhaust, cooling fans running and automatic stop/start not working. If you notice these around the same time, do not panic – Your car is just regenerating it’s DPF. Although, if you’re not 100% sure, call us at Central Autopoint and we can answer any questions or concerns you may have.

What Happens if You Remove a Diesel Particulate Filter?

It is vital that you do not remove the DPF from your vehicle as it’s actually illegal to do so and can result in a fine up to £2,500. Not only that, but it can also invalidate your car insurance policy. If you know that it needs being cleaned, the only place you should go in Corby to get it sorted is Central Autopoint. We will make sure that your DPF is cleaned properly so your car can start running as it should once again.

Book Your DPF Cleaning or Repairs Online

If you want to book a DPF clean with us give us a call or book online anytime. We can help you any issues fixed and get ongoing help to avoid expensive cleans and repairs further down the line. Get in touch with us here at Central Autopoint and we’ll be happy to help. You can book a free quote or visual inspection by selecting “I have a problem with my car” on the online booking tool.

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